When clicking on the Profile icon on the Home page of Visivi, you are taken to a useful menu of items, as follows:

The General page gives details of the user and a record of their recent logins. It also has a list of available Actions allowing you to Change your Password, Open Visivi Auth or to Logout. Clicking on the Visivi logo on the top left of the screen also allows you to Logout or to Exit or Change Project.

The Notifications tab lists all the activities that you have requested or are involved in, such as a BookAirOps request.

The Bookmark tab lists all the bookmarks you have made whilst using Visivi.

The Projects tab lists all the projects you are involved with within Visivi.

The Saved Filters tab records all the Filters you have saved for use in the future.

Announcements can be messages you would like to share with your team or there could be announcements from your Project Manager or Visivi Admin.

You can make a New Announcement using the popup below.