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Visivi Release Notes

From time to time we issue updates to Routeview to enhance its functionality or fix bugs. Each update results in a new Version Number which you can see at the bottom of the Home Menu. This document lists the updates by each version in reverse chronlogical order (most recent first).


New Features

Alert for unsupported browsers

Previously when using an unsupported browser the system would behave in unexpected ways. Now, to make it clearer to the user, a message is displayed telling them that their browser is not supported and they should try an alternative. We use the latest technology to make the system run smooth and look great, older browsers don’t support some of these newer features.

Updated Features

LIDAR Tool Updates

We now generate LIDAR coverages within the back-end GIS rather than sending an index (which could be quite large) to the client at the start of a session. This makes it easier to issue updates to the LIDAR data by updating the GIS, and uses a more generic Info tool to access the linked data – making it more consistent with other layers which may contain links to external data.

To view LIDAR you now use the Info tool, and click on one of the LIDAR polygons (making sure the LIDAR layer is visible first), then on the list of attributes you can click on the ‘Link’.

Bug Fixes

Fixed bug where Feature Tool service returns unhandled error if no layers switched on.

Fixed bug where Mapping hangs on zoom on Safari iPad.

Corrected issue on import where viewpoint was not being set correctly


New Features

Shareable URLs and API

Now, the URL in the address bar of the browser includes location and zoom information. If you want to send a link to someone, when tey click on the link it wil take them to the same place and zoom level. This works on Mapping and Geo-referenced Oblique views.

Compare tool

You can now click on a thumbnail in the Thumbnails view at the bottom of the screen, with the shift key pressed, and the Image Compare tool will open. This allows you to view two images side by side to look for differences.

Updated Features

Feature Information Tool

When clicking on a Map Feature, it’s attributes will now be displayed on a Feature Information card which appears just below the Search Box. The information which appears here is now sorted into logical sort order, rather than the order they appear in the base data file.

Annotation tool updates

The UI for the Image Annotation tools has been simplified to make it easier to use. It is possible to cancel an annotation before adding it by clicking the close button on the label prompt. Annotations are now displayed as Orange Rectangles to make them more visible. These change to Blue rectangles when you mouse over them and their associated comment is also highlighted in Blue.

To enable a clearer view of images with Annotations, they are now hidden when the Comments card is closed. Opening the comments card reveals the Annotation rectangles on the image.

Scrollbar on Thumbnail view

We have added a horizontal scrollbar on the Thumbnail viewer for users with a mouse rather than track-pad. This enables them to scroll the thumbnails into view.

Upload Tool

The upload tool has been added to the list of available applications in the Home menu. Click on the Upload Images button to open the Uploader tool in a new Browser Tab.

Minor tweaks

The Feature Information Card now has it’s own Close button.

When viewing the map with an active image displayed in the Image Card, the colour of the corresponding Viewpoint and Camera location dots has been changed to Blue to make them easier to identify

Width of photo title changed in card to allow longer file names to be viewed. When even longer names are needed they are truncated, but their full names appear in a tool-tip if you rest your cursor over the Image Name.

The Backdrop Map Layers have been simplified to just ‘Map’ and ‘Satellite’. Previously we had ‘Satellite’ and ‘Hybrid’ layers which was redundant. The old ‘Hybrid’ layer which includes place-name labels on a satellite backdrop has been retained but renamed to ‘Satellite’.

Bug fixes

Fixed bug where heatmap/ghosting doesn’t render until map drag / click.

Fixed bug on Image Compare on IE11 which resulted in Black Images.

Removed second ghost box on adding image Annotation.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.