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The Image Card

The Image card is located on the right hand side of the screen. It can be made larger and smaller or can fit the whole screen depending on requirements.


Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 14.10.24.png


Increase and decrease the size of the Image card based on your requirements


The Filter Tool which allows you to filter the map to only show the images on that day


Play-through button, automatically filters the images to the flight you have selected (see below)


Scroll forwards through the images


Scroll backwards through the images


Make the Image card full screen so that you can view the image in more detail


Close the Image Card


The date of the image

The Play-through button on the Image Card allows you to view the images as a video playthrough whilst following the dot on the mapping.

You can also leave your mouse cursor on top of the image preview which enables you to use your mouse-wheel or your laptop mousepad to navigate along the route for that date, which is very useful if you want to find a particular image.

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