On these pages you should find guidance on how to use the Visivi application.

Click through the Table of Contents on the left hand side to navigate through the topics.


Need Help?

This menu gives you access to these Help pages where you can learn how to use Visivi, Search for particular subjects or view Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Need more help?

If you do not find what you are looking for on these pages, and have had a good look through the FAQs, please send an email to support@visivi.com. When we receive a support request you will be notified right away, and we will try to respond as soon as we can. Please note that our support hours are 9 am to 5:30 pm UK Weekdays.


Contact Us

You can use this form to contact us with regard to the following topics.


Release Notes

When we issue updates to Visivi, they are all listed here. They are grouped by Version Number. You can find out the version of the system you are running by opening the Help Menu and looking at the Version tag at the bottom.

Visivi Release Notes


Map Controls

Help on how to navigate the Visivi screen using your computer mouse.


We take the privacy of your Personal Data very seriously, and manage your data in accordance with the GDPR regulations.

Privacy Policy