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Getting Around

Once launched, you will see a satellite map of the UK with a heatmap of the images of your asset and a selection of Tools to the right of the screen.

As you zoom in to the map, you will see the heat map become a number of orange dots. Each of these orange dots represents an image. Hover over the image of interest and you will see the image appear in the card to the right of the screen.

The blue dot is the view point and the blue arrow dots is the camera point.

As you hover over the orange dots and move up and down the line, you will see the video scrubbing within the image card, which is very useful if you want to find a particular image. You can also move the images within the Image Card using the Up/Down keys in the menu on the right of the screen.

The Image Card also gives information such as the date and time taken. You can also make the image card larger and smaller or enlarge it to fill the whole screen.

See Images for more information on the Image Card, Filter and Search Tool and the Image Viewer window

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