I forgot my Password

Please see Forgot Password page

How do I clear cookies on IE11?

Please see How do I clear Cookies on IE 11?

How do I clear cookies on Chrome?

Please see How do I clear Cookies on Chrome?

How do I view my Bookmarked images?



How do I view Comments made about images?

By using the Search function

Please see Search Tool for more information

You can also view Comments made within the Image Card

How do I Compare images?

Please see Image Viewer window

Can you view a Play-through of the images?

Please see The Image Card

How do I measure a line or an area?

Please see Measuring Tools

How do I Filter images?

Please see the Map Filter tool

How do I Search images?

Please see the Search tool

How do I Share an image?

How do I Download an image?

How can I Report an image?

Can you turn off the Heatmap?

Please see Map Layers

Can you turn of Photos/Images?

Please see Map Layers

How do I find the location and more information about a location on the Map View?

How do I share location information with my colleagues?

How do I Log in/Log out?

Please see Creating a Visivi account

How do I switch Projects?